
Carolynn (Carrie) Harris is a PhD Candidate in the Earth Sciences Department at Dartmouth College in Dr. Wil Leavitt’s Geomicrobiology lab group.

Carrie is an Outreach Ambassador for the MOSAiC Expedition , a year long expedition for the study of Arctic climate.

She has also been involved with leadership for the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) since 2017. She served as the VP from 2019-2020 and currently works with their project group on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Carrie’s hobbies include hiking, climbing, and reading about exploring.

Research Interests

  • Astrobiology
  • Lipid biosignatures
  • Stable isotope geochemistry
  • Mars analogs
  • Arctic & Antartic systems


[10] Harris, C.*, M. Maclay*, K. Lutz, V. Nathan, N. Ortega Dominguez, W. Leavitt, M. Palucis. Remote and in-situ characterization of Mars Analogs: Coupling scales to improve the search for microbial signatures on Mars. 2022. Frontiers. *share first authorship share senior authorship

[9] Krumpen, T., Birrien, F., Kauker, F., Rackow, T., von Albedyll, L., Angelopoulos, M., Belter, H. J., Bessonov, V., Damm, E., Dethloff, K., Haapala, J., Haas, C., Harris, C., Hendricks, S., Hoelemann, J., Hoppmann, M., Kaleschke, L., Karcher, M., Kolabutin, N., Lenz, J., Morgenstern, A., Nicolaus, M., Nixdorf, U., Petrovsky, T., Rabe, B., Rabenstein, L., Rex, M., Ricker, R., Rohde, J., Shimanchuk, E., Singha, S., Smolyanitsky, V., Sokolov, V., Stanton, T., Timofeeva, A., Tsamados, M, Watkins, D. 2020. The MOSAiC ice floe: sediment-laden survivor from the Siberian shelf, The Cryosphere Discuss., doi.org:10.5194/tc-2020-64.

[8] Carroll, K. and C. Harris. 2020. Using a Repetitive Instructional Intervention to Improve Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills. College Teaching: 1-9. doi:10.1080/87567555.2020.1823310

[7] Harris, C., N. McTigue, J. McClelland, and K. Dunton. 2018. Do high Arctic coastal food webs rely on a terrestrial carbon subsidy? Food Webs: doi:10.1016/j.fooweb.2018.e00081

[6] Harris, C., W. Ambrose, G. Bigelow, W. Locke, S Silverberg. 2017. Analysis of the Size, Shape, and Age of Common Limpets (Patella vulgata) from Late Norse Middens at Sandwick, Unst, Shetland Islands, UK: Evidence for Anthropogenic and Climatic Impacts. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology: 1-30. doi:10.1080/ 15564894.2017.1368743

[5] Harris, C., J. McClelland, T. Connelly, B. Crump, and K. Dunton. 2017. Salinity and temperature regimes in Eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea lagoons in relation to source water contributions. Estuaries and Coasts: 1-13. doi:10.1007/s12237-016-0123-z

[4] Mohan, S., T. Connelly, C. Harris, K. Dunton, J. McClelland. 2016. Seasonal trophic linkages in Arctic marine invertebrates assessed via fatty acids and compound-specific stable isotopes. Ecosphere 7(8): doi.01429. 10.1002/ecs2.1429

[3] Valiela, I., M. Bartholomew, A. Giblin, J. Tucker, C. Harris, P. Martinetto, M. Otter, L. Camilli, and T. Stone. 2013. Watershed deforestation and down-estuary transformations alter sources, transport, and export of suspended particles in Panamanian mangrove estuaries. Ecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s10021-013-9709-5

[2] Valiela, I., A. Giblin, C. Barth-Jensen, C. Harris, T. Stone, S. Fox, and J. Crusius. 2013. Nutrient gradients in Panamanian estuaries: effects of watershed deforestation, rainfall, upwelling, and within-estuary transformations. Marine Ecological Progress Series 482: 1-15. doi: 10.3354/meps10358

[1] Valiela, I., L. Camilli, T. Stone, A. Giblin, J. Crusius, S. Fox, C. Barth-Jensen, R.O. Monteiro, J. Tucker, P. Martinetto, and C. Harris. 2012. Increased rainfall remarkably freshens estuarine and coastal waters on the Pacific coast of Panama: Magnitude and likely effects on upwelling and nutrient supply. Global Planetary Change 92-93: 130-137. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.05.006